Sunday, August 14, 2011

In Guyana for a about two weeks and have had many new experiences worth writing about, for example we have enjoyed meeting many new brothers and sister who have been very kind and hospitable.  We have also had the opportunity to get into the service activity which has been both interesting and exhausting.  We are not accustom to the amount of walking and exposure to the heat like the friends are and we struggle to keep up sometimes.  Crystal has found a way to save some wear and tear on her "rubber dinkeys" (flip-flops)...

We have also had the opportunity to attend a district convention in Georgetown last week, which was quite a different experience than the convention we attended in Plant City the previous weekend.Of course, the convention is an outdoor venue and the seats are simple benches with no backs. Our bums were killing us by the third day, bu we did get to meet a lot of the friends in the Georgetown area that are serving in sign language. There were almost 60 deaf in attendance, and the sign language section was packed! Everytime someone else showed up you were just expected to sqeeze over to fit another person. This kept happening until we were pretty much packed in like hot little sardines cooking from each others body heat. The friends here have been so sweet and sympathetic to our lack of tolerence for the heat. There were around 5,000 in attedance, and the total number baptised was 74, in our next blog we will send some video.

We have been busy making some necessary purchases such as bikes and good walking shoes, (Crystal's poor feet are covered in blisters and her booty is sore from all the riding), we also needed to buy some hats, the sun is relentless and will melt your face off if your not protected either with hat or umbrella, here is my hat purchase...

Next week we are looking forward to getting into our own place and we will get better internet service which will allow us to send more pictures.  So please be patient with us and more importantly keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  Look forward to sharing more about the group and our ministry activities.  We miss everyone and hope to be seeing you'all soon.

Scott & Crystal


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Arriving in the "land of many waters"

At 9:15 on the 3rd of August 2011 we arrived in Guyana.  The landing was a bit rough but once on the ground all has gone well.  We were meet at the airport by family members of a friend we know back in the states and they were very kind and patient with us, they managed to get all of our luggage in the car and got us safely to our first destination, the Herdmanston Lodge.

As you can see the place is very peaceful.  We are right across the street from the Brazil consulant house and about fifteen minutes walk from National Park, this is where we will be this weekend for the distict convention.  We went by and visited with the brothers while they were getting things ready.

After hanging out for awhile it was off to see the "cambio" or money changer, the end result look something like this...

LOADED!!! Wrong, the exchange right now, $1.00 US is the same as $205.00 Guyanese.  Though it looks like alot it really isn't.  We also got our first taste of local food, we liked it but we need to get acquainted with the hot sauces, some of them have no business in the human body.  Check out the food & fancy to go cups....

All in all a laid back easy day in Georgetown.  We are looking forward to the new friends, experiences and challenges that lay ahead.  More pictures and storys to come.  We send our love and miss everyone.  A special hello out to our little buddy, Gus.