Saturday, January 21, 2012

Baby Animals!

First of all, let me apologize for the time lapse since our last post. Things have been a bit hectic this last few weeks, trying to make all of our arrangements for our return...for those of you who don't know, we will be back home in Pensacola from Feb. 1-18. Yay! Can't wait to eat lasagna and pizza again ( and of course see all of our friends and family.)
Here in Guyana, it seems to be the season for baby animals. We are seeing them everywhere, and let me tell you, not a day goes by that you don't hear "AWWW it's sooo cuuutte" come out of my mouth (this is Crystal, by the way, for those of you imagining Scott uttering that phrase.) Here are some pictures that help you see why....

Mom's nothing to look at, but the puppies are cute!
I think they were posing for this picture :)

Goats and sheep are all over this place.

Piggies! Actually saw some smaller and cuter than this, but didn't have my camera at the time.

Not sure who's cuter or the puppies. Ok, Ok, the puppies win!

Look at those eyes

He's so fluffy!! Couldn't help but enlarge this picture, this baby donkey is just two days old.

Well that's it for now, looking forward to seeing everyone next week- I can't wait!