Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Living the busy life...

Well I just realized it has been two months since our last post, and boy has it flown by! By way of explanation, the reason we have not posted in so long is because we have been having issues with our internet connection for the last month and a half. As anyone who has tried to skype us during that time will tell you, it's been very frustrating. As of today, it is still not fixed, but since I have taken the whole day off, I think I might have the patience to upload some pictures.
Where to start? Well, we just had our 18 year anniversary and this is what Scott got me...

That's right, a new motorbike! In the states we would call this a scooter, but here everything with two wheels is called a motorbike. I must say, I have thoroughly enjoyed learning how to ride this 125cc monster!

Here is Scott doing what he does it. Yes, my dear friends, he is just as obsessive about this bike as he was about the car back home.

On another note, we just recently had our District Convention, which lasts three days. We were so excited to have two deaf from our group get baptized. Both of them have been studying for more than six years, so they were proud to have finally progressed to this point.

Our two candidates sitting in the sign language section so that the questions can be interpreted for them.
                                                    This is Sonronjinay ready to go in..

                                                             And Trevor just coming out...

This is the total group of newly baptized brothers and sisters. The boy in the middle, Jonathan Loo, is also with our sign language group.

We had a lot of fun at the convention as you can see from the following photos:

Some of our deaf that attended

Notice the comedian in the background, yeah, he thinks he's funny.

Scott giving some direction during the lunch break

Everyone crowds around to catch a glimpse of the baptism.

Chillin with Raeshanna.

So cute! This little puppy decided our stage area for the interpreters was a perfect place in the shade to "have a sleep" , nobody chased him off, so he just slept there most of the day.

After the last day of the convention, all of the "need greaters" and those in special full time service here in the eastern part of Guyana gather at a local brother and sister's house for a little "after party."
                                    We all pitch in for Chinese food and hang out and play games.

OK, I can see that the blog is getting a little long, so I'll just publish what I have for now and save my other pictures of the ministry for later. Until then, we miss everybody!