Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Great land of Guyana

Great land of Guayan, diverse though our strains.
We are born of their sacrifice, heirs of their pains.
And ours is the glory, their eyes did not see.
Our land of six peoples, united and free.

Those words are part of the national anthem of Guyana.  Since we have been here we have seen how diverse and strained the history and future of this country is and will be.  Presently many of the native people are seeking ways to leave because they do not feel, "united and free".  And whatever glory may come it will never equal the sacrifice and pain that so many for so long have had to endure. 

In our travels we have seen villages and communities that are in want of the most basic of human needs, such as clean water, electricity, and proper ways of disposing of their waste material.  Many of the primary roads are in desperate need of repair and for the most part laws and regulations are simply ignored or negotiated until mutual demands are meet for the sake financial gain.

I've recently been in the largest city of Guyana and saw structures that seemed to indicate that this was at one time a society that had pride and order, yet now what I saw was only rot and decay.  I regrettably found that my business dealings with the government agency's, which should have been the tip of the spear, felt more like the blunt end of a spoon.  Many of the workers had little if any zeal or professionalism in their efforts to assist me in my request. 

I see around me everyday things that are so morally wrong that it make me angry, heart-broken and quite frankly depressed.  Yet with all those realities ever present I find myself slowly falling in love with this dirty, corrupt and queer place.  In the evenings when I'm cycling home in the calm of the night I feel safe.  When I enter into someones home that I've never meet before, I feel at ease.  Or when I'm playing soccer/football with the friends I feel like I'm a kid again.  Those feelings give me the motivation to embrace Guyana, not as the "Great land" but as a place where I can do great things and feel a sense of liberation that I had not felt in a long time in my home land.  

So, (if your still reading at this point) I know blogs are all about pictures and not to bore us with personal ramblings, but for those of you who know me and want to know what's bouncing around in my head and get a view of the world as seen through my eyes, then there you have it. 
Thanks for taking the time to see this thing to the end and for your reward, here are some pictures.

Bus heading to assembly, everyone on the bus is deaf except for me and Crystal, (and the driver)
At a get together, all in the picture are deaf. The young brother in the front is Stephen, he is my bible study who just got baptized at the Circuit assembly....pretty cool!
These cars are for sale.  You can buy one for around 1.2 million GYD or about 7,000.00US.

Interpreters at Circuit Assembly

Crystal and I are doing good, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  Stay safe and keep in touch. Till next time.