Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Random Moments

Hello to all.  When I sit down to prepare our next post I have always tried to have some theme or purpose in writing.  But this time I've decided to go rogue and simply provide pictures of us doing random things with only brief comments for the moment captured in time.  Enjoy...or not.
Every Sunday the brothers get together and play soccer (football).  It had rained earlier in the day and so the pitch (field) was a mud pit and we loved every minute of it.

Sarah (from Indiana, USA) and I out in the ministry.  On Wednesday we work in a town called Rose Hall, at around 11:30 we usually all gather at a place called Spready's and have lunch.

Sometimes the neighbors garden grows over into our yard and we get to enjoy the spoils of his hard work.  This is a pumpkin that will get slightly bigger than this, once you cut if from the vine the locals say you can carve an X on the side ( just on the surface) then put it in storage and it will stay good for a long time.  Not sure if it's true, Crystal just cut it up and made soup and pies of out it, that I know is true.

Meet this guy out in the ministry.  I was amazed at how soft and friendly he was however I still felt like he was trying to figure out a way to steal my wallet. 

One of my favorite pictures that I've taken in Guyana.  Let me explain, when any painting is done here it usually ends up on everything and this poor little bee was no exception.  I just laughed when I saw this little fellow limping away from a freshly painted wall. 

How many would you like to order?  These little cuties are orphans, good Mommies and Daddies are desperately needed in this area.  Rum and drugs steal many of these children's parents away.

My lovely wife, enjoying the good life in Suriname.  We actually got a chance to relax and swim in a real pool.  Serving in Guyana, moments like these you cherish because they are few and far between.

The Deaf class of 2013, New Amsterdam Special Needs School.  For us, these kids are what it's all about.  All of them are so like able and easy to love and we do love'em all and hope the best for them.  Many of them are studying the bible with us and making good progress, others are slowly being drawn into the world and already suffering the consequences of bad decisions.  All you can do is point them in the right direction and hold your breath.

In closing, here a picture of the Savannah we pass everyday when riding out of our scheme.  It doesn't seem like much to us but to the people living in those rustic shacks it is their home and for most it is the only view of this world they will ever see.  I'm thankful to Jehovah for the hope we have and look forward to the day when all those living on the earth will have the opportunity to see what lies beyond the Savannah. 

So there you have it some random moments and brief comments. Crystal and I send our love and greetings to all.  Be safe.
