Tuesday, November 1, 2011

House Pics!

Let me start off by apologizing for the brevity of this blog. It's been a crazy week and just no time to write a proper blog full of news and poetry. That being said, I do want to at least get some pictures up. We have been promising pictures of the new house for some time now, so I at least wanted to get these posted before we leave for Trinidad. Yes, our 90 day visa is up and we must leave the country for a couple of days before we can return for another 90. Sadly we must visit a beautiful tropical island in order to fulfill Guyana's visa requirements (sniff). You can tell I'm greatly saddened at this prospect :)

You have probably noticed up to this point that Scott has been writing all of the blog postings. He told me after the last post that it was my turn. I so wanted to write more, but for now this is all the time I have to get this posted before we leave. I do promise pictures of our trip to Trinidad in the next blog. Until then these will have to do.....

They call this a "flat house", since most houses here are built on stilts. The yellow rope you see hanging is where I hang my hammock in the afternoons.

The Living Room (You can pretty much see the basic layout of the house dining/kitchen in the back, 2 bedrooms and bath off the living room to the right)

This desk and chair was made by one of Scott's Deaf students.

Ditto for this table and chairs

The Kitchen (The tennis racket you see hanging on the wall is actually a very effective bug zapper-a must have here in

The Guest Bedroom (Here you can see the window screens that Scott had to make himself)

Our Bedroom

The Bathroom has a large standup shower.

I'm so proud of our real American closet! It has built in drawers and shelves. Most people here don't have a closet, they just fold all thier clothes on a shelf or buy a small wardrobe.

I just had to include these last two pics of Scott doing yard work. For those of you that know Scott, you know this is his "passion" and yes, he does still sweep the yard!

As promised before, we will have a more detailed blog up by next week sometime. Until then, just think of us in Trinidad and know we are having a good time!

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