Friday, January 9, 2015

Plenty To Do

I wanted to begin this blog by telling a nice experience I had in my ministry. I have a deaf bible study who just turned 73 and is someone I always look forward to spending time with.  In our study we've been discussing how Jehovah went about creating the world around us as described in the Genesis account.  Now you have to understand Sign Language here is not ASL, it's usually more about how they grasp the thought in their own special way and convey it their own signs.  When we completed our lesson I wanted to do a review and ask him to explain to me what he learned and this is what he signed.  He looked at the sky and covered his eyes and wiped his brow, (Jh created the sun).  He then made a sign of a rocket going into space and landing, (Jh created the moon), at last he held up both of his hands and rubbed the tips of his fingers together in the direction of the sky, (Jh made the stars.)  I just hugged him and said, "you got it man."  I'm constantly amazed at how I can learn from those I'm supposedly teaching.

So as the title of this blog indicates we've been very active lately because there is "plenty to do."  For instance, Crystal and I been working with an NGO (Non-Govt. Organ.) called the Special Needs for Life Learning Center.  One of it's objectives is for local teachers to attend a 4-6 month seminar (twice a month) in which they learn how to be more effective in the classroom when they have Deaf students.  We're filling the roles of instructors till others can make themselves available.  So far we have had about four sessions and the 25 to 30 teachers present expressed a real appreciation for what there learning.  Here are some pictures of the classroom and our students. 

This keeps us busy and it helps to make a little income because the organization pays us a small amount for our time and travel expense, every little bit helps. 
Another project that has been keeping us busy and physically wiped out is the work we've been doing in connection with our new Kingdom Hall.  Here the work is labor intensive and reminds me real quick that I'm not a young lad anymore.  Though the work is hard the end result will make it all worth it.  Here are some pictures of what the property looked like and the progress we've been making.
So we were tearing this structure down and frankly it was taking to long so we had a brother with a car and a tie-down strap, the rest is history.
We're going to stay steady at it and hopefully by April we'll have a beautiful new Kingdom Hall. 
In addition to what has already been discussed there are those things that demand your attention in other unique ways, like fixing the toilet at the Kingdom Hall.... 
.... taking pictures of yourself with big cheesy smiles...

....relaxing in the hammock....

....keeping the beast looking good.....   

 and then my favorite pastime, spending the day with my wife doing cart-witnessing.

Yes, even though we have little time for the dilly-dally, we are ever determined to make the most of the precious time we do have.  Crystal and I truly have plenty to do but rest assure we will always find time to take a moment and think about all that we have been blessed with and those with whom we have enjoyed those blessings. We send our love to all and dream about the day when we'll be together on a better planet earth, staying equally as busy with plenty to do in that amazing new world. 

Scott & Crystal


  1. I love you guys! So so encouraging!
    Love your sister Rachel 💛

  2. Looking forward to seeing you again.
