Monday, April 9, 2012


Well, after a long lapse from our blog, we are finally back on track. We took a trip back to the U.S. in the month of February and got to see a lot of family and friends. We didn't get to see everybody we had hoped, but we did have a good time. Since then, we have returned to Guyana and hit the ground running. In less than a month since our return, we have made preparations for the Special Assembly Day, hosted our Circuit Overseer and his wife for a week, had a deaf friend from Linden visit for a week, and made preparations for the annual Memorial of Christs' death. Whew! No wonder we didn't have time to update our blog.
Our Memorial was held last night at Town Hall. They were generous enough to allow us to use their facility for free, and the staff were very helpful to us. We had 91 in attendance, 52 of which were actually deaf. Here are some pictures from our Memorial-

We started out with buses, three of them to be exact, all going out to different areas of our territory to pick up the deaf. The bus I went with had 16 deaf on it, and as you can see from the picture, they all had a good time associating. I couldn't get them to stop signing long enough to smile for a picture, so this was the best I could do.

We spent most of the morning cleaning and decorating the town hall. A big shout out to sister Lorraine Giles, since she did all the decorating with random hand me downs from other Kingdom Halls. I thought it looked pretty good when we finished.

The song is usually a moving experience when you have almost 100 people signing in unison.

Everyone had a good time associating after the program.

                                                               The Skeldon bus
This group comes the farthest. It is about an hour bus ride away from here to Skeldon. There is isolated interpreting at their meetings, but they are not an official sign language group yet, so they technically are part of our territory. We have a meeting together once a month, and meet together for most special occasions. We are always glad to see the friends from so far away.

The Coryntine bus

Some of the deaf before the Memorial started. The Hall we were in is open air on one side, so it was nice and breezy.

Well, that's it for now. We actually had the circuit assembly before the Memorial. I will try to include pictures of that for the next blog and fill in some of the blanks from our long absence from the blog. Until next time....

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