Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Heat is ON!

Man is it HOT!  The temperature is rising to a boiling point, my nose has been sunburned so many times that it's in a constant state of peeling.  One young Guyanese sister asked me if all white people have red noses, as I looked around at all the other white need greaters the answered appeared to be, yes!  Crystal bought herself a new sun hat to offer some protection and I must say the chair that it is hanging on has not burned yet, (she always forgets to put it on when we go out).  One nice thing about getting tanner, it makes your teeth seem that much whiter....

So much has been going on here, we recently had our C/O visit which went by to fast.  Shannon Rainey and his wife Rosailia have been serving our circuit since 2008.  They are very supportive and excited about the prospect of forming the first Sign language congregation in the country so when they visit we get alot of attention.  The sign language group extended hospitality to them one evening at our house, about 25 attended and Crystal made spaghetti, it was gone in about 20 minutes.  Here are some pictures of the "party".

Another thing that recently happened here was the annual celebration of Jesus resurrection, (kinda like Easter), however they represent his resurrection using kites.  So on that day the Savannah near our house was overtaken by hundreds of people who came and set up food booths and speakers to play "very" loud music.  Then around 1:00 they began to fly the kites, it was to be honest pretty cool to see.  All kinds of home-made kites filled the sky, all different shapes and colors, it made for a good photo-op.  I took some pictures but they really don't capture the color's or amount of kites that were in the air. 

You also have to appreciate that the Savannah truly belongs to the animals and some were not willing to leave for some pagan ritual.

Also we have of course been busy with our ministry and all things theocratic.  Not to long ago we had our Special Assembly Day and had the opportunity to be in the company those whom we don't get to see that often, for example one missionary couple who have been out of country for awhile but have recently returned, Brian & Shannon Geraghty.  Here is a picture of Brian and I, (some say we look alike)

...then there is the big boat ride to preach in an area called Rosignol.

One of my favorite places to visit durning the week is the orphanage.  Crystal has one study there and I have a young boy that I visit and try to encourage but he is so full of energy he rarely sticks around long enough for me to really get to know him.  However the other perk in going is that you have a chance to spend some time with these beautiful children who have become a victim of this system of things, here are a few glimpses of what we get a chance to see.

Not to long ago we had a chance to visit back home and see family and friends.  Crystal and I both want to say it was very encouraging to be with all our "family" and feel it a blessing to have so much support and love from so many.  We thank everyone for taking the time out for us and keeping us in your prayers. Below is a picture of my daughter who lives in Vero Beach, FL. Her name is Tessa.  Our moving away was not easy for her and obviously our time together has been dramatically reduced but she has always been supportive of our efforts even when it meant a sacrifice for her.  We love ya Tess, thanks for making this possible for us.

So, yes the heat is on and will not doubt continue to beat down upon us but with enough sun tan lotion, hats and shady spots along the way we'll keep on going in spite of it.  Please stay safe out there we are living in "critical times hard to deal with".  Hope to be blogging again soon, till then take care.
Scott & Crystal

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