Monday, November 12, 2012


As some of you may or may not have heard, I (Crystal) recently had to undergo an emergency appendectomy for acute appendicitis. In other words, they removed my appendix. It was my worst fear about coming to another country: that one of us would face a serious medical issue while we were here. Since Guyana has a reputation for having a less than stellar medical care system, we had been happy that so far, we had not had to seek any kind of medical help.
Well, my experience started this past Wednesday. We were out in the ministry, walking quite a far distance, when I began to have pains in my side. Thinking it was just gas, I kept walking until the pain became so intense, we decided to take a taxi the rest of the way to our meeting place for lunch. I figured if I could just sit and have something to drink, I might begin to feel better. Instead, the pain became worse. I was fortunate enough to make it to the bathroom before I "tossed my cookies". Scott called a friend of ours who lives in the area that happens to have a car to see if he could drive me home. Once there, to "cookie tossing" continued and the pain continued to increase. My temperature spiked to 102 and I eventually became so dehydrated that by around 2:30 the next morning, Scott decided to take me to New Amsterdam Public Hospital. Yes, picture us in the middle of the night motorscootering to the Hospital about 3 miles away! Actually, the cool night breeze brought some temporary relief from the heat of my fever. Upon arrival, I was given a brief medical exam (sort of) and diagnosed with a stomach flu and vaginal infection. They gave me an IV of saline solution and some anti-nausea medication and sent me home. The next day, I actually did seem to feel somewhat better, I was able to eat a little bit and keep it down, but the pain was not subsiding. When my temp again spiked to 102 that night, we decided it was time to go to a local private hospital that had been recommended to us by a missionary couple living nearby. I was pleasantly surprised to find brand new facilities with a friendly staff. After another examination and some blood work, it was determined that I had acute appendicitis and would need surgery. It turns out the doctor that examined me also happens to be their general surgeon, and he had performed over 1,000 appendectomies over the years.  We decided to go ahead with the surgery, since there really is no other option other than waiting for your appendix to rupture. I was scheduled for surgery later that day and moved to  a private room. I was truly impressed by the cleanliness of the hospital and the friendliness of the staff. More relief came when a brother from the Hospital Liaison Committee entered my room and informed me that not only does he work at that hospital, but that he would be part of my surgical team! Since this is a brother I have known previously, it put my mind at ease that he would make sure I would be taken care of. Jehovah knew my fears and put me at ease.  The surgery was a success, and the doctor said had I waited another day or two it probably would have ruptured. Whew! Just in the nick of time. 
Here are some pictures from my experience (don't worry, I left the gross ones out):

Me getting prepped for surgery

My room-they let Scott sleep in the other bed

Dr. Bob and his assistant

My surgical team (that's brother Samson in the dark blue scrubs)

Finishing touch.

Me ready to go home!

Scott helping me in the car. You can see the hospital behind him.
I was so grateful that everything went smoothly and this turned out to be a good experience for us. It just goes to show that Jehovah does take care of His people. Now, I am home recovering, moving around a little more each day. I seem to be healing up nicely. I go back Friday for my checkup and to get my stitches removed. Will keep you posted on any new developments. For those of you aware of the situation, thanks for your thoughts and prayers! 

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