Friday, November 30, 2012

Surgery Update

Sorry, no pictures for you this time. Life has been a little boring just lying around recovering from my surgery. By the way, hope the last blog didn't confuse anybody, our trip to Georgetown was just before my big medical emergency. Anyway, I went to the Doctor this past Wednesday and he removed my stitches and gave me a clean bill of health. No infection, and so far, the surgery seems to have been a success. Thanks to all of you that had me in your thoughts and prayers during this time, I really appreciate it. The congregation here has really taken good care of me, bringing me meals, running errands for me, and calling and visiting to check on me. One sister that lives nearby was even coming by and helping clean my incision! I'm so grateful to Jehovah that he has taken care of me during this time. Now I'm ready to slowly get back into my normal routine and start living life again. Thanks again for all the support I have received! -Crystal

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys. Just letting you know that your blog does get read regularly. I have it bookmarked. I find it a source of enjoyment and encouragement. Keep up the good work, and Crystal, you have my permission to get behind on your time this month. - Andrew Enkey
